It is back to school time! Many students will be feeling a whole mix of emotions regarding their return to school, especially following two years of disrupted education. New teachers, students, and learning environment may result in students feeling worried about going back to school. Each student will navigate their apprehension differently, however, during this transition time parents and guardians can assist stressed students through the following: Open Communication Students can feel … [Read more...] about Preparing for the New Academic School Year!
GCSE and A-Level Results Day: What are Your Next Steps?
Up and down the country, both A-level and GCSE students have been collecting their results determining their progression onto further education. As reported top grades have soared, with a total of 44.8% of A-level grades being A* or A grades, reaching a record high. Crescent Tuition would like to congratulate all students, regardless of their results achieved, for their effort and diligence throughout this year. This has been an unprecedented year, with the assessment format plans changing, … [Read more...] about GCSE and A-Level Results Day: What are Your Next Steps?
The Need to Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Critical thinking is a term that is commonly discussed within the educational community referring to the learning, thought, and analysis that goes a stage further beyond surface-level memorisation and factual recall. Critical thinking skills revolve around being able to effectively analyse, interpret and synthesise information enabling students to form developed arguments. The ability to form reasoned arguments is a key skill needed in everyday adult life, facilitating discussions of ideas … [Read more...] about The Need to Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Pupils Have Lost 3 Months of Education – Feeling Prepared for the Upcoming Academic Year?
Recent reports suggest that £13.5 billion is needed to reverse the damage to pupils’ education caused by the pandemic. The Education Policy Institute stated that pupils have lost up to two months of education in terms of reading, and up to three months in Maths. Naturally, with this academic year drawing to a close many students will be preparing for next year and the content that will need to be taught in order to catch up. Later this week the Prime Minister is scheduled to address pupils’ … [Read more...] about Pupils Have Lost 3 Months of Education – Feeling Prepared for the Upcoming Academic Year?
Educating Gifted Children: How to Incorporate Challenge?
Gifted learners have the potential to develop to a level significantly ahead of their year group. The nature of modern-day classrooms is that work is often set at a mid-level, resulting in the more academically abled children’s full potential not being reached, as standardised teaching is unable to fully challenge them. Not only will this impact student’s academic grades but also their desire and motivation to learn. Students can become bored, disengaged, and at times disruptive if the necessary … [Read more...] about Educating Gifted Children: How to Incorporate Challenge?
Is Tuition Really Right for my Child?
Like many parents, you may be asking yourself whether your child will truly benefit from tuition. It is important to acknowledge the commitment required by both parents and students in terms of the money and time that private tuition requires. Arguably this is an investment into your child’s future enabling them to get from A to B in the increasingly competitive educational system but with the commitment involved it is normal for parents to be asking whether tuition is truly right for their … [Read more...] about Is Tuition Really Right for my Child?
How to Prepare Effectively for Your Exams?
Where to Start? It can be quite overwhelming opening a textbook and not knowing where to start, chapters and chapters of content and exams getting closer by the day, it is no wonder why students are stressed towards mocks and exams. The tips below will hopefully offer guidance as to how to approach the quite daunting revision and how Crescent Tuition can assist you at every step. Take Succinct Notes Throughout the Year It is important for students to continually take notes throughout … [Read more...] about How to Prepare Effectively for Your Exams?
Disruption to Education and Future Implications
Education officers and parents alike, are rightfully concerned about the disrupted school work over the past eight months and the impact it may have on the upcoming mocks before and after Christmas. Whilst mocks have previously been dismissed as insignificant, the unprecedented nature of the virus stresses the importance of understanding that these grades may impact the actual grades students receive in the Summer. Older students may have missed certain aspects of the curriculum which will be … [Read more...] about Disruption to Education and Future Implications
BSA Novel Coronavirus update
This advice is a further update to that issued on January 27, and is on behalf of BSA and our partners, AEGIS and BAISIS. Once again, BSA and our partners remind members that we are NOT a medical authority, nor is this guidance intended as legal advice, and any decisions by a school in this area should involve its own medical staff in conjunction with local GPs. 1. How has the situation developed? Public Health England confirms that human to human transmission is occurring, and it also … [Read more...] about BSA Novel Coronavirus update
Christmas term highlights
What a busy term at Crescent Tuition! Below are some of the Christmas term highlights. Record numbers of students receiving tuition 4 of our students receiving Oxbridge interviews after mentoring Started tutoring Chinese for the first time Offering more subjects than ever before Growing our team of amazing tutors in Bath and beyond Have a fantastic festive break and if you are studying for exams in 2020 then follow these holiday tips from Alice; one of our leading tutors: … [Read more...] about Christmas term highlights